Hello Solid Rock Family!  All of our services are meeting at 3180 S Fred D Haight Drive in Smith River

SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE - Adults meet in the Sanctuary for worship - Children's Ministry is provided for infants and toddlers and kids up to 6th grade. 

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SERVICE - Meeting at 6:30PM  - Adults and kids meet in the sanctuary for worship. Then the kids are dismissed to Children's ministry available for up to 6th Grade.

THURSDAY NIGHT YOUTH - Meeting at 6:30PM-8:30PM Youth from 7th-12th grade are welcome to join us for worship, teaching, prayer and games. Call Pastor Dave with any questions: (707)458-5878   

FRIDAY MORNING MEN'S STUDY - Men's study is meeting on Fridays at 7:00AM. Call Pastor Pat or Dave with any questions