Are You Born Again?
Maybe you've never been asked that question before. But your answer to that question is the key to your entire future, even after you die. Jesus said these words to a key religious leader of the Jewish people: "You must be born again". (John 3:7)
Jesus died on the cross as a sacrifice to take the place of every sinner who ever lived, or would live. HE DIED FOR YOU! To believe on Jesus Christ is to believe that His death was indeed for YOUR SIN, and to turn from that sin and surrender your life, your desires, your will, to His authority and to Him alone.
That moment of surrender, when you let go of your own self righteousness and pride, and receive that free gift.... is your Spiritual Birthday. At that moment of salvation you are BORN AGAIN! Now you are part of the family of God, adopted in by a new and glorious birth!
Are you ready, today, to be BORN AGAIN?
Then BELIEVE! Believe that Jesus paid the price for all your sins on the cross.
RECEIVE! Open your heart to receive the free gift of Salvation and let Christ come into your heart as your Master and Savior.
Pray to receive Christ a prayer like this:
Father, I know that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. Please come into my heart and be my Master and Savior. Help me to leave my life of sin and follow You all the days of my life. Thank You for saving me from hell, and preparing me for heaven, where I will live with You forever. In Jesus name, Amen.
FOLLOW! Turn from your life of sin and become a disciple of Christ. Read the Bible everyday and talk to God in prayer. Find a Bible Teaching church near you and get involved!
TELL OTHERS! Jesus told His followers to "go into all the world" and make disciples. Pray that God will reveal when and how to share with others.
God Bless you as you seek Him! Please Contact us if you have received Christ today!